This document (hereinafter also referred to as "T&C") sets forth the terms and conditions

governing your use of our website located at www.blackzebra.studio (hereinafter referred to as the

"Site") and the electronic services provided through the Site.

The Site is operated by Czarna Zebra sp. z o. o. with its registered office at 19 Tenisowa St.,

84-240 Reda, Poland,entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for

Gdańsk, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS no.0000679350, Tax Id

No. (NIP) 5882428701 and Statistical ID No. (REGON) 367349008

(hereinafter referred to as "Company", "Black Zebra", "Czarna Zebra").

Before using the Site, you should read the T&C to use the content presented on the Site properly.

By using our Site, you implicitly accept the T&C and agree to abide by it. If you do not agree with

the provisions of this T&C, your best course of action is to leave this Site.

We create our content with passion and respect for our users and would like it to bring you nothing

but joy.


Through the Site, Black Zebra provides you with a variety of resources, including but not limited

to information about the Company's services, advertising content, newsletters. All services,

including those that will be provided in the future, are subject to the provisions of the T&C (the


The Services provided by Black Zebra through the Site include.

information services consisting in providing access to text, graphic and multimedia content, as

well as the Company's portfolio;

newsletter service consisting in sending you, upon your request, periodic publications containing

information about Black Zebra activities and industry news;

services consisting in sending you, upon your request, various marketing information;

messaging or communication services provided through contracts with third party providers (live


a contact service consisting in the opportunity to send information or requests to us;

advertising services consisting in presenting various advertising content on the Site, in

particular productions made by Black Zebra;

download service, which allows you to download content from our Site; a search service allowing you

to search our Site.


The manner of use is set forth in this T&C. However, use of particular features of the Site,

including but not limited to webinars, lectures, etc., may be subject to additional or specific

requirements or conditions. Accordingly, additional requirements related to the use of a particular

service may appear on the Site and will be made available to you prior to your use of the

particular service.

Black Zebra has the right to make changes to the scope of Services offered and to change, with

reasonable notice to users, the manner in which they are operated.

When using the Internet you should be aware that you are exposed to various situations beyond the

Company's control, in particular the risk of your computer being infected by viruses or passwords

being taken over by third parties and the risk of damage that may arise in such cases. In such

circumstances, Black Zebra will not be liable for any damages. Black Zebra shall not be liable for

any disruption to the proper functioning of the Site on your computer or for any loss of data,

particularly if caused by acts of force majeure, third parties or Black Zebra in case of

maintenance work. In the event of an anticipated disruption to the Site, we will endeavour to

notify you in advance.

By using the Site, you agree that you are responsible for any damages resulting from your actions

that are inconsistent with applicable law or the T&Cs. You agree to use the Site in accordance with

the law, morality and rules of social intercourse. The Company shall not be liable for your acts or


You agree not to provide content of an unlawful or uncensored nature, or that may adversely affect

the safe functioning of the Site or other users in this space.

You also agree not to gain unauthorized access to the Site or any systems connected to the Site.

You shall not tamper with the security of the Site, attempt to illegally track other users, or

attempt to steal data from other users.

If you publish or submit any content that is contrary to this T&C, Black Zebra reserves the right

to interfere with and remove such content. The Company reserves the right to block your access to

the services it offers if you violate the usage rules set forth in this T&C.


We send emails to our newsletter subscribers. You are in control of what communications you receive

and can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time using the link in the email you receive. You

may also give separate consent to receive other marketing content. By using these methods of

communication, you agree to the Privacy Policy and T&Cs applicable to the Site.

Black Zebra maintains a strict opt-in policy with respect to e-mail communications. We only send

e-mails to people who have signed up for them or as part of an ongoing relationship with an

individual or company. Your right to control what messages, if any, you receive from Black Zebra is

important to us.

While we may include announcements from partners or other third parties in some communications, we

do not share e-mail addresses with third parties.

If you believe that you have received unsolicited, unsolicited e-mail, please send a copy of such

e-mail along with your comments to [...].


All text, graphics, interfaces, photographs, animations, videos, trademarks, portfolios, logos,

sounds, music, artwork and computer code, including but not limited to the design, structure,

distribution and arrangement of the content on the Site are the property of Black Zebra or used by

Black Zebra pursuant to permission of an authorized party. The content is protected by copyright or

intellectual property rights. Their reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.

Unless otherwise indicated, the Services offered by Black Zebra are for your personal and

non-commercial use only. Other than this use, you are not authorized to modify, copy, distribute,

transmit, display, perform, reproduce, duplicate, license, create derivative works from, transfer,

or sell information, software, products or services from the Site.


A contract for the provision of a particular service is entered into when you start using the

particular service. If you use an information service, the contract for that service is entered

into when you select the appropriate URL for the Site or when you are redirected to the Site and is

terminated when you leave the Site. For other services, the agreement commences when you use the

service and terminates when you stop using it.


On the Site you will find links to third party websites that are not under the control of Black

Zebra. The Company is not responsible for the content, changes or updates to third party

Sites and does not endorse the content contained therein. Access to such sites is at your

own risk.


You have the right to file a complaint regarding matters relating to the Site and the services

offered on it. When using this procedure, please provide your e-mail address, specify the subject

of the complaint, describe the circumstances related to the complaint and your request. Complaints

may be submitted through the "Contact" window or to the e-mail address: [...]

You will be notified of the disposition of your complaint within 14 days of Black Zebra’s receipt

of the complaint.


The Privacy Policy can be found here.


Black Zebra has the right to update this T&C at any time. In the event of such a change, the new

version of the T&C will be posted on the Site and notice of the change will be sent to users who

have agreed to be contacted by email prior to the effective date of the new version of the T&C.

Those who have subscribed to the newsletter are bound by the provisions of the new version of T&C,

unless they terminate the agreement within 14 days from the date of notification of the change of

T&C. To do so, write us a message and cease using the Site. Those who have not subscribed to the

newsletter will find notice of the T&C change when they enter the Site. If they no longer wish to

use the Site after the T&C change, they should cease such use immediately.

The T&C and the users' use of the services provided through the Site shall be governed by the laws

of Poland. Any disputes between the Company and the user shall be settled amicably. If the Parties

are unable to reach an agreement, disputes shall be submitted to

the court having jurisdiction over Black Zebra’s registered office.